Honda CRF250F Adjustable Footpeg Brackets

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Honda CRF250F Adjustable Footpeg Brackets

New Design!!  Super high quality, now built by Anker.  Fully adjustable 250F footpeg brackets!  These are beautifully designed and manufactured with care from stainless steel, guaranteed not to rust.  

These brackets allow you to adjust your pegs by a range of approximately 1 inch - so you can move them forward by .5 inches or rearward by .5 inches as compared to stock.  These brackets also raise your pegs up from the stock position, to better clear trail junk and dragging in bermed turns.  One final benefit is they will set your pegs inboard by over 3/4 inch regardless of what fore/aft setting you choose to get them tucked in tighter.

Brackets are sold in a matched pair - left & right.

This product is engineered to be compatible with the OEM stock Honda footpegs and aftermarket footpegs designed to fit the CRF250F.  The brackets are made so that they will accommodate used pegs that typically have some wear and sag to them.  If you are using newer pegs or ones that are built well - some light filing or grinding in the area of the pivot or the area where they rest when fully relaxed might be necessary in order for the pegs to lay closer to flat.  We recommend running your pegs with a few degrees of upsweep from inside to out in order to allow for flex, wear, and damage from riding.  Once your pegs are sagging below horizontal - there is not much that can be done besides welding or replacing them, so please take these notes into consideration.

Combine these brackets with our oversize stainless steel or billet aluminum pegs for the ultimate rider control platform!!

This product fits all years of the Honda CRF250F from 2019 to Present.

Please note, that by design these brackets limit the range of movement that the pegs will fold upwards as compared with the stock brackets.  This feature can be overcome by removing a small amount of material from around the top edge of your footpegs where they overlap with the brackets.

Note:  For customers with either our Corona or Viola rear brake pedal - the right-side foot peg bracket will not be able to slide to a fully rearward position due to an interference with those aftermarket brake pedals.  There is the potential to get more rearward adjustment though, by removing some material from the bracket where there is interference with the brake pedal.